Life is full of highs and lows, twists and turns, risks and rewards. With the constant flood of information and opinions all around us, it is so easy to get triggered and fall down the rabbit hole of negative thinking.
Over the past decade in our respective fields, we saw similar patterns among our clients. Many came to us rattled with fear, anxiety, and stuck in comparisonitis. Across the board people were craving a personal and professional shift to break free from their negative patterns and create more clarity and balance in their lives. It was in identifying this common ground that we became driven to create a tool that could help people work their way through these blocks and shift their mindset.
Are you stuck in comparisonitis? Constantly comparing yourself against others while scrolling through social media and feeling less than.
Or maybe for you it’s the constant “shoulding” on yourself that holds you back? Worrying about what you should do, how you should be, how you should feel, or how you should act.
Do you feel frozen by fear and anxiety? Terrified of failing, being judged or looking bad.
Have you been so beaten down by the negative stories and messages you have been told throughout your life that you have started to believe them?
We hear you.
The good news is, you don’t have to stay stuck. You can rewire your thinking. You have the power to reset your mindset.
We would love to support you and help you kick-start your shift with the Rainbow Reality Method.
Step into your Rainbow Reality...

The Rainbow Reality Method or RRM for short, is a 7 step process that was consciously created to help you check in with yourself, quiet the noise inside your head, rewire your thinking, and live on purpose.
RRM will help you gain a deeper awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and stories so that you can challenge them and replace them with more helpful thinking patterns.
Awareness is the key to change. In order to grow we have to get clear on where we want to evolve. When we realize our thought patterns, aka the stories in our head, and how they impact us, we can then become motivated to change them.
RRM was inspired by principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness, which are evidence-based practices in the field of Psychology.
The Rainbow Reality Method can be used by everyone who is open to a mindset shift. However, it is advised that those with more severe trauma symptoms and mental health issues seek further support in individual therapy in addition to using the guide as a resource.
To get the most out of RRM, choose to take 7 minutes every day to get out of your head, reset your thoughts, and realign yourself with who you want to be. Consistency is key. Let go of trying to do this perfectly and instead focus on small consistent steps toward the direction of your goals.
This Method was a true labor of love created by sisters in-law, Marisa Hughes and Chelsea Krost. Marisa is a Trauma Informed Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Parenting Coach. Chelsea is America’s leading Millennial Expert, Marketing and Branding Coach, Global Speaker, Media Contributor, and LinkedIn Instructor. Together, they have combined their 20 years of experience to help people in a bigger way personally, professionally, and spiritually. Learn more about Marisa and Chelsea here.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. It’s goal is to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are behind people’s difficulties, and in doing so, change the way they feel. Click here to learn more.
Mindfulness is a way of thinking characterized by nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment’s experience, including: thoughts, sensations, bodily states, consciousness, and the environment. Practicing mindfulness encourages openness, curiosity, and acceptance. Mindfulness Based Interventions have demonstrated efficacy in reducing depression and symptom severity in a broad range of people seeking therapy. Click here to learn more.
A note about Covid-19
Having realistic expectations within this pandemic and in general is helpful. Our best self is different now than how we usually envision it being, but that’s the whole point. Our best is different depending on the circumstances, so the question becomes, within these current struggles, what small steps can you take? What would your best self do? And sometimes that next actionable step is to rest, or to be more gentle on yourself, or to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and not take things so personally. Ask yourself, “Where do I want to focus my attention?”
Staying up to date and in the know is important, but balance and moderation are necessary in order to tolerate the heaviness of this pandemic. For many people who are on the front lines as well as those at home, the trauma is still occurring. Our hope is that the Rainbow Reality Method can be a tool that people can turn to for support during the trauma and evolve as this unfolds. With every lens and time that you use RRM, new insights can develop. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, etc. use that uncomfortable feeling as a reminder to check in with yourself and use RRM to guide you.
Yes, we are living in rainy days. But after the rain clears the sun always comes out. Without the rain and the sun we wouldn’t see the beautiful rainbow.
We wish everyone safety and health during this time.
With Love,
Marisa & Chelsea

“Suffering from severe panic attacks and overwhelming anxiety, The Rainbow Reality Method allowed me to refocus my mindset in a simple, straightforward way. I usually quit halfway through or even find it daunting to even begin practices that ask me to open up, but the concise steps had me whizzing right through and thinking clearly. It‘s like having a conversation with a close friend, but that friend is actually yourself, promoting a dependable dialogue that is there to help you through at any given moment. Step 4 and 5 shifted the language I was using with myself and even the smallest adjustments have made a difference through this extraordinarily challenging time. The practice of recognizing moments of gratitude has also put a lot in perspective and allowed me to spend more time helping others, even with small gestures. I highly recommend RRM to anyone who is mentally struggling and even to those who have a strong spiritual practice - we could all use some color and clarity during this otherwise dark time.” - Jamie F.
“I truly needed this today. I feel sad about the things that weigh me down, but circling my thoughts and seeing my feelings made me think about how much time I’ve focused on being sad and doing nothing. Step 5 helped me reframe my thoughts and feel thankful/motivated. I’m going to continue to revisit this to see how I feel & what I want to add.” - Jess Z.
One night when we were feeling particularly sorry for ourselves due to life's crazy circumstances, my husband and I stumbled upon The Rainbow Reality Method and decided to work on it together. We tentatively started with step #1 and before we knew it, we were hooked. As we dove deeper and deeper into each of the 7 steps new light bulbs started turning on for the both of us. It was eye opening to hear what the other had to say but also comforting to know we were in a safe space to talk about our fears, goals, and inner truths together. We saw each other and our own true selves through a different lens that evening and needles to say we have been reworking the steps ever since (both together and separately). The Rainbow Reality Method came into our lives when we needed it the most and we are so grateful to have this new amazing tool in our "marriage/life toolbox.” - Lindsay S.
“Step 5 in the rainbow reality method gives me the confidence boost I need daily! It's ok to be a work in progress! This step makes my personal goals feel way more achievable. It’s also allowed me to track my own growth. I can proudly say, I’m finally loving and accepting my journey to self love!!” - Rachel A.